Report from Tabitha Pagolu, Correspondent, Native Upper Primary School

We have 70 children in school in this academic year with 5 teaching staff and 2 non-teaching staff.

Since 19 March 2020 the school remained closed due to the Corona Virus. After 10 months the children came to school again. By God’s grace all the children are safe and none of them contracted the coronavirus. God was merciful in keeping safe both the children and their parents.


All the children are happily attending school. Thank you for loving the children and supplying them school uniforms, sports uniform, black shoes, white shoes, tie, belt, badge, school bag, books, stationery etc.

The children are receiving rice, groceries, eggs, peanut bars, etc. every month. This has been very helpful to the children and their families as there was a great financial crunch due to the virus.

Though children enjoyed 10 months of “holidays” it affected their studies – they have forgotten what they have studied. When the school re-opened, the school atmosphere seemed new to them! We reviewed some of the basics before teaching as per the syllabus. The school is now running as usual.

Ever since Corona started, I was scared and always thought the school would be shut permanently that I will have to stay at home all the time. But by God’s grace the school started again. Now I’m in class 5 and very soon I’ll be in class 6 and I praise God that one year was not wasted.
A. Ch. Lalita, Class 5

B. K. Janhitha, and K. K Raju, class 3. These two got used to playing during these 10 months of holidays. They used to climb trees and pluck tamarind fruit. They played marbles, got on the ox carts and went to the agricultural fields, rode bicycles etc. These days they are finding it difficult to go to school as they got used to playing. One day they are seen in school and another day they disappear! And so instead of using the school transportation, their father is now dropping them in the school. Doing homework is a big headache for them!! Please pray for them.

Tabitha’s Studies

Personally, I thank you for loving me and helping me in my education. I have completed BA (Bachelor of Arts, an undergraduate 3-year program, which is a social sciences subject). Later I have completed B. Ed (which stands for Bachelor of Education. It is an undergraduate professional degree for the students who want to make a career in teaching. The degree is formerly known as Bachelor of Teaching. The duration of the course is two years. After successfully completing the course the students become eligible to teach in primary, secondary and high schools.

I still need to receive my B. Ed certificate but was able to view my marks sheet on the internet.

Current needs

We have three requests:

  • We would like to be able to build 2 rooms on the 1st floor.
  • Also, we are hoping to plaster the perimeter wall (inside).
  • We also need another helper.

All the schoolteachers and staff send their greetings to you. A special thanks is expressed by M.V. Venkateshwar Rao and Peter for gifting them Scooters and petrol allowance. Likewise, Sundar and Blessy also are sending their greetings.